What your San Antonio high school says about you

In San Antonio, one of the first things people ask when they meet you is where you went to high school.

It's not hard to figure out why. Folks are trying to learn details about your upbringing — whether you were raised in an affluent suburb, grew up in a working class area or hail from a more rural stretch of the Alamo City sprawl.

But we all know that assumptions are often wrong and that they can play on false perceptions and rumors. Just the same, people make some that are funny, weird or just plain unfair.

So, here's a — hopefully — lighthearted look at what some people may think when you let them know where you went to high school in San Antonio. There are way too many campuses in the area to include them all, so consider yourself lucky if yours flew under the radar.

And remember, just because some people have these perceptions doesn't mean they're true! 
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O’Connor High School
Those classes in animal husbandry, crop yields and bovine psychology continue to pay off the further you move toward Bandera.
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O’Connor High School
Those classes in animal husbandry, crop yields and bovine psychology continue to pay off the further you move toward Bandera.
Alamo Heights High School
Your name may not be Biff or Muffy, but to many folks, it may as well be.
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Alamo Heights High School
Your name may not be Biff or Muffy, but to many folks, it may as well be.
Brackenridge High School
You were Southtown before Southtown was hip.
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Brackenridge High School
You were Southtown before Southtown was hip.
Luther Burbank High School
Your school got to host the New Orleans Saints during Hurricane Katrina, so you’ve got reason to gloat.
Photo via Google Maps
Luther Burbank High School
Your school got to host the New Orleans Saints during Hurricane Katrina, so you’ve got reason to gloat.
Central Catholic High School
Your diploma all but guarantees you a job with the City of San Antonio. Have you run for mayor or city council yet?
Photo via Google Maps
Central Catholic High School
Your diploma all but guarantees you a job with the City of San Antonio. Have you run for mayor or city council yet?
Churchill High School
See the entry for Alamo Heights and replace the names with Chad and Emily.
Photo via Google Maps
Churchill High School
See the entry for Alamo Heights and replace the names with Chad and Emily.
Clark High School
You’re still pissed off people assume you were rich, when you actually were one of the many kids who grew up in an apartment complex and went to Clark.
Photo via Google Maps
Clark High School
You’re still pissed off people assume you were rich, when you actually were one of the many kids who grew up in an apartment complex and went to Clark.
East Central High School
You’re not going to let anyone judge you. Period.
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East Central High School
You’re not going to let anyone judge you. Period.
Edison High School
Your art class final project? A bong. If shop class had been an option, your project there also would also have been a bong.
Photo via Google Maps
Edison High School
Your art class final project? A bong. If shop class had been an option, your project there also would also have been a bong.
Harlan High School
You’ll forever wonder why you got tagged as the “redneck” campus despite how diverse the school has become.
Photo via Google Maps
Harlan High School
You’ll forever wonder why you got tagged as the “redneck” campus despite how diverse the school has become.
Holmes High School
After four years on campus, you’re averse to entering any building that has actual corners.
Photo via Google Maps
Holmes High School
After four years on campus, you’re averse to entering any building that has actual corners.
International School of the Americas
You’re smart enough to have been a member of the Model United Nations Club, yet flighty enough to be a member of the Acts of Random Kindness Club. Chances are you’re also a little cocky.
Photo via Google Maps
International School of the Americas
You’re smart enough to have been a member of the Model United Nations Club, yet flighty enough to be a member of the Acts of Random Kindness Club. Chances are you’re also a little cocky.
Jefferson High School
When your school is nationally recognized for its beauty and has yielded a lot of high-profile politicos, it’s understandable that you might have a little bit of an attitude.
Photo via Google Maps
Jefferson High School
When your school is nationally recognized for its beauty and has yielded a lot of high-profile politicos, it’s understandable that you might have a little bit of an attitude.
John Jay High School
Contrary to the popular rumor about John Jay, you’ve never had a venereal disease — nor has anyone in your high school clique.
Photo via Google Maps
John Jay High School
Contrary to the popular rumor about John Jay, you’ve never had a venereal disease — nor has anyone in your high school clique.
Judson High School
Everything in your high school life revolved around football. If you peaked in high school, it probably still does.
Photo via Google Maps
Judson High School
Everything in your high school life revolved around football. If you peaked in high school, it probably still does.
Lanier High School
The Chili Bowl tradition may have ended in 2009, but it’s still a source of pride — and you’re glad the tradition ended with your team whipping the living shit out of Fox Tech.
Photo via Google Maps
Lanier High School
The Chili Bowl tradition may have ended in 2009, but it’s still a source of pride — and you’re glad the tradition ended with your team whipping the living shit out of Fox Tech.
LEE High School
Yes, it’s good your school is no longer named after a Confederate general, but you actually allowed it to be renamed Legacy of Educational Excellence High School. You’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life.
Photo via Google Maps
LEE High School
Yes, it’s good your school is no longer named after a Confederate general, but you actually allowed it to be renamed Legacy of Educational Excellence High School. You’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life.
MacArthur High School
Your school churned out irreverent gay memoirist David Crabb (Bad Kid) and you’ll forever be disgruntled about alternative culture going mainstream.
Photo via Google Maps
MacArthur High School
Your school churned out irreverent gay memoirist David Crabb (Bad Kid) and you’ll forever be disgruntled about alternative culture going mainstream.
Madison High School
After going to a school that fricking huge, you’re quite used to fitting in with the crowd.
Photo via Google Maps
Madison High School
After going to a school that fricking huge, you’re quite used to fitting in with the crowd.
Northeast School of the Arts
Jazz hands!
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Northeast School of the Arts
Jazz hands!
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