San Antonio mayoral candidate Pelaez misses more meetings than anyone else on council

District 8's Manny Pelaez skipped more than half of all public comment sessions over the past two years, according to the report.

click to enlarge District 8 City Councilman Manny Pelaez's attendance record has drawn criticism from at least one colleague on the dais. - Courtesy Photo / Manny Pelaez Campaign
Courtesy Photo / Manny Pelaez Campaign
District 8 City Councilman Manny Pelaez's attendance record has drawn criticism from at least one colleague on the dais.
Mayoral hopeful Manny Pelaez isn't about to win a perfect attendance award for his current City Council term, News4SA reported Sunday.

Indeed, the District 8 councilman misses more meetings than anyone else on the dais, according to records obtained by the TV station. Pelaez skipped more than half of council's public comment sessions and 21% of all special meetings between August 2022 and August 2024.

However, he does make it to 90% of all budget work sessions, News4SA reports.

At least one council colleague, District 2's Jalen McKee-Rodriguez, has called out Pelaez recently for his lackluster attendance. The pair butted heads over the absences during a continuous Aug. 8 meeting debating council pay raises — an issue San Antonio residents will vote on in November.

"I would be willing to ask my constituents for compensation, but I understand that some of my colleagues probably wouldn't do that," McKee-Rodriguez, who's in favor of council pay raises, said during the discussion. "But I would recommend that anyone who's missed 10 to 15 meetings probably shouldn't anyway."

Pelaez, who opposes the raises, responded by calling McKee-Rodriguez a "poverty pimp."

Even when Pelaez shows up, his behavior on the dais has also drawn occasional criticism.

During a February public comment session, Pelaez appeared to broadcast his disinterest as residents asked council to pass a resolution calling for a Gaza ceasefire. During residents' time at the microphone, the councilman snacked, rolled his eyes and clacked away on his laptop.

The behavior wasn't lost on those in attendance.

"If you're finally going to show your face here, the least you can do is get off your laptop and stop sending emails," commenter Isabella Briseño told Pelaez during the meeting. "It's disrespectful."

In a statement to News4SA, Pelaez — a corporate attorney — blamed his absences on other responsibilities, including attending meetings of boards, industry groups and homeowner associations.

"All of these off-site meetings often force me to choose whether I get my briefings from city staff in one-on-one meetings instead of at full council meetings," Pelaez said in a statement to the station. "If you don't see me at a council meeting, it is because I have already received my briefings and asked the necessary questions to inform my policy decisions."

On the other side of the spectrum, District 5 Councilwoman Teri Castillo had the best attendance record, showing up for 93% of all meetings, according to News4SA.

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