Study: San Antonio ranks among worst cities for women

San Antonio's low ranking was primarily due to the state's abortion ban and lack of healthcare options.

click to enlarge Women protest against Texas abortion ban during a march through San Antonio two years ago. - Jaime Monzon
Jaime Monzon
Women protest against Texas abortion ban during a march through San Antonio two years ago.
San Antonio is among the nation's worst cities for women, according to a study published Monday by personal finance blog WalletHub.

Researchers ranked 182 U.S. cities across 15 indicators of economic- and health-related living standards for women, and San Antonio landed in the bottom third, coming in at No. 132. The study looked at factors including median yearly wages, the share of women living in poverty, the female uninsured rate and abortion access.

San Antonio ranked at No. 73 when it came to economic well-being for women. However, Alamo City ranked abysmally low for women’s health care and safety, coming in at No. 164.

Indeed, San Antonio has long grappled with an epidemic of domestic violence, according to women's advocates, and Texas is the nation's most uninsured state, per capita.

What’s more, new data suggest Texas women's healthcare has declined since the state enacted its abortion ban in 2022.

A study published this summer by New York-based healthcare research institute CommonWealth Fund found that Texas has among the highest maternal mortality rates and the lowest number of maternity-care providers. The report ranked the state as having the second-worst healthcare quality and prevention for women.

“We’re seeing here in Texas that there is a brain drain happening, where, of course, people don’t want to work here, and they don’t feel safe working here, and it’s because of all the repercussions that can happen to providers here,” abortion rights-activist and San Antonio native DakotaRei Frausto told the Current last month.

Frausto continued: “But on top of that, we are seeing that healthcare clinics are underfunded and understaffed.”

Texas’ war on women’s healthcare could be why four other Texas cities, including El Paso, Houston and Laredo also ranked in the bottom third of WalletHub’s report. WalletHub also named the Texas border town of Brownsville as the nation's worst city for women’s healthcare.

The only Texas City to be ranked by WalletHub in the top-third of best cities for women was Austin, which came in at No. 33 overall.

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