Developer wants to raze San Antonio's former Pig Stand diner site

The property, which served customers for decades, is a lower-Broadway landmark.

click to enlarge The Pig Stand served customers along the Broadway corridor for decades. It closed early last year. - Sanford Nowlin
Sanford Nowlin
The Pig Stand served customers along the Broadway corridor for decades. It closed early last year.
A longtime Broadway landmark and a piece of San Antonio culinary history is in a developer's crosshairs.

San Antonio-based real-estate company GrayStreet Partners wants to tear down the Pig Stand diner along with other Lower Broadway properties it now owns, the San Antonio Business Journal reports, citing city documents.

GrayStreet filed with the city's Office of Historic Preservation to knock down buildings at three lots it holds on Broadway, according to the Business Journal. The demolition work would require approval from the Historic and Design Review Commission, the story reports.

GrayStreet bought the Pig Stand, located at 1508 Broadway, in February 2023 as it gobbled up property along the fast-gentrifying Broadway corridor. The restaurant's 76-year-old owner made the deal after deciding to retire for health reasons.

GrayStreet General Partner Kevin Covey didn't respond to the Business Journal's request for comment. However, he told the Government Hill Alliance in 2023 that the group would be "thoughtful" in incorporating the site into projects it plans nearby.

Built in the 1960s, the Mid-Century Modern Pig Stand was a downtown dining mainstay that many commuters passed on their daily commutes.

The restaurant was the last remaining outpost of a Dallas-based company that once operated more than 100 units and is sometimes credited for being the nation's first drive-in restaurant chain.

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