20 ways to spot someone who just moved to San Antonio

It's pretty easy to spot someone who was born and raised in the Alamo City — or at least spent considerable time here. We've got plenty of habits, beliefs and mannerisms that make us easy to identify.

By the same token, folks who recently moved to San Antonio aren't too difficult to pick out either. Namely because they haven't yet latched onto our unique — and perhaps quirky — way of life.

Here are 20 ways to tell someone recently relocated to the 2-1-0 from somewhere else. 
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Their collection of Fiesta medals is measured in ounces, not POUNDS.Give it time. Give it time.
Cindy Hurtado

Their collection of Fiesta medals is measured in ounces, not POUNDS.

Give it time. Give it time.
They use a rental truck when making a move inside the city.Just pile up the back of tio’s pickup, foo!
Sarah Martinez

They use a rental truck when making a move inside the city.

Just pile up the back of tio’s pickup, foo!
They aren’t completely terrified of the Donkey Lady, La Llorona or the Dancing Devil of El Camaroncito.If you grew up here, you know all that shit is real.
Courtesy Photo / CineFestival

They aren’t completely terrified of the Donkey Lady, La Llorona or the Dancing Devil of El Camaroncito.

If you grew up here, you know all that shit is real.
They haven't yet learned what an Edgar or Marbach Mop haircut is.
Eventually, they'll begin to wonder why so many SA young people are aspiring to look like Moe from Three Stooges.
Twitter / @johnserna12

They haven't yet learned what an Edgar or Marbach Mop haircut is.

Eventually, they'll begin to wonder why so many SA young people are aspiring to look like Moe from Three Stooges.
They regularly butcher street and place names like Boerne, Huebner and Toepperwein.In truth, most of us aren't even sure we're pronouncing them correctly.
Michael Karlis

They regularly butcher street and place names like Boerne, Huebner and Toepperwein.

In truth, most of us aren't even sure we're pronouncing them correctly.
They think chamoy is something you use to buff your car.As opposed to, you know, a chamois — which isn't delicious at all.
Shutterstock / The Image Party (left) and Manee_Meena (right)

They think chamoy is something you use to buff your car.

As opposed to, you know, a chamois — which isn't delicious at all.
They haven’t blocked out a significant portion of their vacation time around Fiesta.Oh, they’ll learn soon enough.
Jaime Monzon

They haven’t blocked out a significant portion of their vacation time around Fiesta.

Oh, they’ll learn soon enough.
They can't quote lines from the Selena movie.Start with "Anything for Salinas!"
Courtesy Photo / Warner Home Video

They can't quote lines from the Selena movie.

Start with "Anything for Salinas!"
They haven’t yet learned how to hold grudges against asshats like Kawhi Leonard, Charles Barkley, Mark Cuban and Karl Malone.And we’re keeping the list short here.
Photo via Twitter / BrianRayy_

They haven’t yet learned how to hold grudges against asshats like Kawhi Leonard, Charles Barkley, Mark Cuban and Karl Malone.

And we’re keeping the list short here.
The word “puro” isn’t part of their daily vocabulary.And they’ll have to be really settled in before they attempt“puro pinche.”
Art by Sarah Flood-Baumann

The word “puro” isn’t part of their daily vocabulary.

And they’ll have to be really settled in before they attempt“puro pinche.”
They don't get that Flamin' Hot Cheetos belong in and/or on any food item. 
And they'll soon learn you don't rub your eyes after getting that red dust on your fingers.
Courtesy Photo / Taco Cabana

They don't get that Flamin' Hot Cheetos belong in and/or on any food item.

And they'll soon learn you don't rub your eyes after getting that red dust on your fingers.
They have no recollection of Butter Krust book covers, the Butter Krust spinning-bread slices billboard or the smell of those bakery tours.What a shame.
Instagram / barbacoapparel

They have no recollection of Butter Krust book covers, the Butter Krust spinning-bread slices billboard or the smell of those bakery tours.

What a shame.
They can’t recognize a single song by Legs Diamond, Budgie or Saxon.If you grew up listening to Joe Anthony, that music's in your blood.
Jaime Monzon

They can’t recognize a single song by Legs Diamond, Budgie or Saxon.

If you grew up listening to Joe Anthony, that music's in your blood.
They shop for groceries at Walmart or Target.Why would anyone do that when you’ve got H-E-B?
Flickr Creative Commons / Mike Mozart

They shop for groceries at Walmart or Target.

Why would anyone do that when you’ve got H-E-B?
They order tacos at a restaurant and think they’ll look like this.Taco Bell sure has messed up a lotta people’s understanding of Mexican cuisine.
Shutterstock / Atsushi Hirao

They order tacos at a restaurant and think they’ll look like this.

Taco Bell sure has messed up a lotta people’s understanding of Mexican cuisine.
They’re scared to order mole at a Mexican restaurant.Apparently they’re worried they might be served a small burrowing mammal.
Shutterstock / irin-k

They’re scared to order mole at a Mexican restaurant.

Apparently they’re worried they might be served a small burrowing mammal.
They call access roads “feeder roads.”As in feeding what?

They call access roads “feeder roads.”

As in feeding what?
They get irate when someone smashes a cascarone over their head around Fiesta time.Sometimes fists even fly. We’ve all seen it happen.
Jaime Monzon

They get irate when someone smashes a cascarone over their head around Fiesta time.

Sometimes fists even fly. We’ve all seen it happen.
They ask if a restaurant’s salsa comes in “mild.” This isn’t Pace Picante Sauce, folks.
Shutterstock / The Image Party

They ask if a restaurant’s salsa comes in “mild.”

This isn’t Pace Picante Sauce, folks.
They just look at you with a blank expression when you make a Fred's Fish Fry joke.Eventually they'll notice the empty parking lots and start drawing their own conclusions.
Sanford Nowlin

They just look at you with a blank expression when you make a Fred's Fish Fry joke.

Eventually they'll notice the empty parking lots and start drawing their own conclusions.