School-voucher 'evangelist' with Texas ties on leave after gay porn videos resurface

Anti-LGBTQ+ operative Corey DeAngelis has ties to Gov. Greg Abbott and was involved a recent San Antonio political campaign.

click to enlarge School-voucher advocate Corey DeAngelis speaks at an event in Florida. - Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
School-voucher advocate Corey DeAngelis speaks at an event in Florida.
An anti-LGBTQ school-voucher advocate with ties to Texas politics is on "paternity leave" after the resurfacing of decade-old gay porn videos, including one where he participates in a masturbation contest with other men, according to media reports.

Self-described "school choice evangelist" Corey DeAngelis is on leave from his job at the American Federation for Children — a conservative voucher-focused lobbying group — after porn clips from 2014 resurfaced this week on social media, according to the Independent.

One of those videos shows the Trump-endorsed political operative engaged in a masturbation competition with a group of naked dudes, The Advocate reports.

An active social media user, DeAngelis hasn't posted anything on the X platform since Sept. 19. His page has also been removed from the American Federation for Children's website.

The regular Fox News contributor has repeatedly come out against LGBTQ+ protections in public schools, according to news reports. During a July Fox Business appearance, he blamed National Education Association President Rebecca S. Pringle's focus on protecting queer students for declining math and reading scores.

"They're focused more on the LGBTs than the ABCs," DeAngelis said.

"Parents and grandparents at home, do you want [Pringle] raising your kids for seven hours a day? Obviously not. You got to fight for school choice," he continued during that TV appearance. "Defund this person. She makes over $500,000 a year to spew this garbage, and she wants to fight to control the minds of other people's children, and that's bad news for this country. But the good news is parents are seeing this crap, but sunlight is the best disinfectant, and parents for pushing for school choice."

DeAngelis has deep ties to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who's been trying to pass school-voucher legislation — albeit with little success — for the past two years.

During this year's Texas House primaries, DeAngelis' American Federation for Children Victory Fund Super PAC targeted 12 Republican incumbents who voted against Abbott's voucher bill during the past legislative session.

Among those targeted was Steve Allison, who represented House District 121, which includes Alamo Heights and other North San Antonio neighborhoods. In February, DeAngelis joined Abbott at an Alamo City rally for Allison's primary challenger, San Antonio attorney Marc LaHood.
With the help of Abbott and DeAngelis, LaHood defeated Allison by 14 points.

A photo of Abbott and DeAngelis smiling and shaking hands shared by anti-school voucher Republican State Rep. Glenn Rogers also went viral this week after reports of the porn clips.
Abbott's office didn't immediately respond to the Current's request for comment.

Since the decade-old clips surfaced, DeAngelis has also canceled at least one speaking engagement.
It remains to be seen what impact the DeAngelis controversy will have on Texas' school voucher debates. But one thing's for sure: Lone Star State journalists, including Quorum Report Editor Scott Braddock and the Texas Observer's Steven Monacelli appear to be getting a kick out of the whole thing.
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Michael Karlis

Michael Karlis is a Staff Writer at the San Antonio Current. He is a graduate of American University in Washington, D.C., whose work has been featured in Salon, Alternet, Creative Loafing Tampa Bay, Orlando Weekly, NewsBreak, 420 Magazine and Mexico Travel Today. He reports primarily on breaking news, politics...

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