Governor Greg Abbott Working to Make Texas More Hostile Toward Immigrants

Governor Greg Abbott Working to Make Texas More Hostile Toward Immigrants

Texas Governor Greg Abbott filed somewhere around 30 lawsuits against the federal government while he was attorney general — a point he was proud of. 

Nothing says bonafide Lone Star State conservative Republican like an impassioned hatred for the federal government and President Barack Obama.

However, this is all politics and Abbott actually loves the federal government's immigration policy — even though he says it doesn't work and that's why the border needs the National Guard — and Obama.

Abbott revealed his respect for Obama and the president's immigration policies during a radio conversation with Sean Hannity where the two talked about the governor's plan to end sanctuary city policies in Texas. On Monday, the governor sent a letter to Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez calling her to reverse her policy of refusing to automatically detain "criminal immigrants."

“I am demanding that the Dallas County Sheriff abandon her decision to not implement the U.S. immigration and custom standards,” Abbott said in the interview. “I laid down a marker today in the State of Texas that sanctuary city policies are no longer going to be tolerated. Instead, the laws of this land are going to be enforced.”

So, here's the thing, those laws of the land are the federal government's laws. And for a guy who sure hates following the federal government, he's quick to side with them when it comes to locking up minorities. He's also probably — secretly — a huge fan of Obama, who has deported more people than any other president in U.S. history.

San Antonio has so far been spared a threatening letter from the governor as the Alamo City is an unofficial sanctuary city, though local democrats are seeking clarification from Mayor Ivy Taylor on that.


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