City of San Antonio will no longer accept plastic bags in recycling bins

The city is encouraging residents to carry along reusable bags instead of attempting to recycle plastic ones.

click to enlarge Plastic bags are no longer accepted in City of San Antonio recycling bins. - Pexels / Roberta Errani
Pexels / Roberta Errani
Plastic bags are no longer accepted in City of San Antonio recycling bins.

Think one person's trash is another’s treasure? Think again!

San Antonio is no longer accepting plastic bags in its blue recycling bin, even if they are bundled, city officials said Thursday.

Plastic bags can cause issues at the mixed recycling processing plant serving the city, according to the city's statement. Apparently, the bags get tangled with other items, making them difficult to sort. What's more, they can stick to machinery, causing it to malfunction.

With the city no longer picking up plastic bags, it's encouraging residents to rely on reusable grocery bags. Residents can also bring plastic bags to retailer drop-off points.

As a last resort, plastic bags should go in the trash bin. Along with your hopes and dreams of recycling single-use plastic.


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