Assclown Alert: Sucking up Texas pseudo-historian David Barton’s hot air with the GOP

Barton, a Christian nationalist pseudo-historian, will again serve on the committee that drafts the Republican Party platform.

click to enlarge David Baron speaks at the Nevada Courageous Conservatives rally fellow far-right bloviators U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck. - Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
David Baron speaks at the Nevada Courageous Conservatives rally fellow far-right bloviators U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck.
GOP insiders just can’t seem to get enough of Christian nationalist bullshit artist David Barton.

Barton, a Texas-based pseudo-historian who’s made a career out of falsely claiming that the U.S. was founded as an explicitly Christian nation, will once again serve on the committee that drafts the Republican Party’s platform before its national convention, Right Wing Watch reports.

Barton’s priority? To make sure the platform lines up with the first 12 chapters of the book of Genesis. Never mind the U.S. Constitution, of course, because according to Barton’s widely debunked claims, that document doesn’t call for separation of church and state.

During a late-June installment of his radio program, Barton explained that those books of Genesis are all about God creating man, woman and families, which means he wants to see the party telling people they can’t identify as anything but their birth gender, Right Wing Watch reports. He also claimed those text call for further restricting abortion access.

“Back in the Old Testament law, God talked about the penalties for taking unborn life. So that’s a big deal in the first 12 chapters of Genesis,” Barton said. “And then it says, ‘And he made them male and female.’ So now we get gender involved in it. Four times it says that God made them male and female, so giving up on gender stuff, or Title IX and letting that go away, those are social issues but they are the top issues of God.”

Despite Barton’s claims that he’s an expert in history and constitutional law, he holds no formal credentials in either, and the only non-ceremonial degree he appears to have earned is a bachelor’s in Christian education from Oral Roberts University.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped GOP zealots like U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson and former U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann from praising Barton’s deliberately skewed take on reality. Voters — at least those of us not eager to live in a theocracy — would do well to reject anyone who lines up to guzzle this assclown’s manure-flavored Kool-Aid

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Sanford Nowlin

Sanford Nowlin is editor-in-chief of the San Antonio Current.

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