San Antonio artist Leigh Anne Lester's latest exhibition opens Wednesday

The show at Ruiz-Healy Gallery probes the fragile balance maintained in both micro and macro ecosystems.

click to enlarge Leigh Anne Lester's latest solo exhibition, Vain Fictions of Our Own Devising, opens Wednesday. - Courtesy Photo / Leigh Anne Lester
Courtesy Photo / Leigh Anne Lester
Leigh Anne Lester's latest solo exhibition, Vain Fictions of Our Own Devising, opens Wednesday.
The title of Leigh Anne Lester’s solo exhibition of new works in an ongoing series, Vain Fictions of Our Own Devising, evokes Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia (1687), which urges human beings not to attempt to transmute the patterns of nature since nature only exists as a constant unto itself.

San Antonio artist Lester taunts and manipulates the order of things in her multilayered collages and digital disruptions, creating an ontological ecosystem of her own imagining.

In doing so, she probes the fragile balance maintained in both micro and macro ecosystems and questions how deeply the mere touch of the human hand can dislocate or destroy brittle equilibriums.

Lester's new work is on display at Olmos Park's Ruiz-Healy Gallery with an opening reception scheduled for this Wednesday. An artist talk is also scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 5.

Free, opening reception 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, artist talk 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday through Oct. 19, Ruiz-Healy Gallery, 201 E. Olmos Drive, (210) 804-2219,

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