9 Free Events Happening This Week

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Thursday, December 18
'Ridin' Dirty'

Named after a scent introduced in Tom Robbins’ 1984 novel Jitterbug Perfume, Beacon Hill’s K23 Gallery aims to “provide a platform for artists who might otherwise not have one.” Billed as an “erotic bicycling multimedia event,” K23’s first ever group show comprises works by Louie Chavez, Frances Minten, Mark Olivares, Jessica Garcia, Tony Gnosis, Marc Montoya, Bryan Duff and Shannon Wingate; a performance by Zombie Bazaar Belly Dance; and a screening of Portland’s 8th Annual Bike Smut Film Festival—a traveling program of shorts designed to bring the “synthesis of transportation and sexuality to life.” Free, 7pm-midnight, K23 Gallery, 702 Fredericksburg, k23gallery.com. —Bryan Rindfuss


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